14 Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis has become a hot topic with the rise of quantitative finance and automated trading of securities. Many of the facilities described in this chapter were invented by practitioners and researchers in finance, securities trading, and portfolio management.
Before you start any time series analysis in R, a key decision is your choice of data representation (object class). This is especially critical in an object-oriented language such as R, because the choice affects more than how the data is stored; it also dictates which functions (methods) will be available for loading, processing, analyzing, printing, and plotting your data. When many people start using R they simply store time series data in vectors. That seems natural. However, they quickly discover that none of the coolest analytics for time series analysis work with simple vectors. We’ve found when users switch to using an object class intended for time series data, the analysis gets easier, opening a gateway to valuable functions and analytics.
This chapter’s first recipe recommends using the zoo
or xts
for representing time series data. They are quite general and should
meet the needs of most users. Nearly every subsequent recipe assumes you
are using one of those two representations.
implementation is a superset ofzoo
, soxts
can do everything thatzoo
can do. In this chapter, whenever a recipe works for azoo
object, you can safely assume (unless stated otherwise) that it also works for anxts
Other Representations
Other representations of time series data are available in the R universe, including:
from thetseries
(base distribution)tsibble
package, a tidyverse style package for time series
In fact, there is a whole toolkit, called tsbox
, just for converting between representations.
Two representations deserve special mention.
ts (base distribution)
The base distribution of R includes a time series class called ts
. We
don’t recommend this representation for general use because the
implementation itself is too limited and restrictive.
However, the base distribution includes some important time series analytics
that depend upon ts
, such as the autocorrelation function (acf
and the cross-correlation function (ccf
To use those base functions on xts
data, use the to.ts
to “downshift” your data into the ts
representation before calling the function.
For example, if x
is an xts
object, you can compute its autocorrelation
like this:
tsibble package
The tsibble
package is a recent extension to the tidyverse,
specifically designed for working with time series data
within the tidyverse.
We find it useful for cross-sectional data—that is, data for which the observations are grouped by date,
and you want to perform analytics within dates more
than across dates.
Date Versus Datetime
Every observation in a time series has an associated date or time. The
object classes used in this chapter, zoo
and xts
, give you the
choice of using either dates or datetimes for representing the data’s
time component. You would use dates to represent daily data, of course,
and also for weekly, monthly, or even annual data; in these cases, the
date gives the day on which the observation occurred. You would use
datetimes for intraday data, where both the date and time of observation
are needed.
In describing this chapter’s recipes, we found it pretty cumbersome to keep saying “date or datetime.” So we simplified the prose by assuming that your data are daily and thus use whole dates. Please bear in mind, of course, that you are free and able to use timestamps below the resolution of a calendar date.
See Also
R has many useful functions and packages for time series analysis. You’ll find pointers to them in the task view for Time Series Analysis.
14.1 Representing Time Series Data
You want an R data structure that can represent time series data.
We recommend the zoo
and xts
packages. They define a data structure
for time series, and they contain many useful functions for working with
time series data. Create a zoo
object this way where x
is a vector, matrix,
or data frame, and dt
is a vector of corresponding dates or datetimes:
Create an xts
object in this way:
Convert between representations of the time series data by using
and as.xts
to azoo
to anxts
R has at least eight different implementations of data structures for
representing time series. We haven’t tried them all, but we can say that zoo
and xts
are excellent packages for working with
time series data and better than the others that we have tried.
These representations assume you have two vectors: a vector of
observations (data) and a vector of dates or times of those
observations. The zoo
function combines them into a zoo
#> Attaching package: 'zoo'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> as.Date, as.Date.numeric
x <- c(3, 4, 1, 4, 8)
dt <- seq(as.Date("2018-01-01"), as.Date("2018-01-05"), by = "days")
ts <- zoo(x, dt)
#> 2018-01-01 2018-01-02 2018-01-03 2018-01-04 2018-01-05
#> 3 4 1 4 8
The xts
function is similar, returning an xts
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'xts':
#> method from
#> as.zoo.xts zoo
#> Attaching package: 'xts'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#> first, last
ts <- xts(x, dt)
#> [,1]
#> 2018-01-01 3
#> 2018-01-02 4
#> 2018-01-03 1
#> 2018-01-04 4
#> 2018-01-05 8
The data, x
, should be numeric. The vector of dates or datetimes,
, is called the index. Legal indices vary between the packages:
The index can be any ordered values, such as
objects, integers, or even floating-point values.xts
The index must be a supported date or time class. This includes
, andchron
objects. Those should be sufficient for most applications, but you can also useyearmon
, anddateTime
objects. Thexts
package is more restrictive thanzoo
because it implements powerful operations that require a time-based index.
The following example creates a zoo
object that contains the price of
IBM stock for the first five days of 2010; it uses Date
objects for
the index:
prices <- c(132.45, 130.85, 130.00, 129.55, 130.85)
dates <- as.Date(c(
"2010-01-04", "2010-01-05", "2010-01-06",
"2010-01-07", "2010-01-08"
ibm.daily <- zoo(prices, dates)
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> 132 131 130 130 131
In contrast, the next example captures the price of IBM stock at one-second intervals. It represents time by the number of hours past midnight starting at 9:30 a.m. (1 second = 0.00027778 hours, more or less):
prices <- c(131.18, 131.20, 131.17, 131.15, 131.17)
seconds <- c(9.5, 9.500278, 9.500556, 9.500833, 9.501111)
ibm.sec <- zoo(prices, seconds)
#> 10 10 10 10 10
#> 131 131 131 131 131
Those two examples used a single time series, where the data came from a
vector. Both zoo
and xts
can also handle multiple, parallel time
series. For this, capture the several time series in a matrix or data frame and
then create a multivariate time series by calling the zoo
(or xts
The second argument is a vector of dates (or datetimes) for each observation. There is only one vector of dates for all the time series; in other words, all observations in each row of the matrix or data frame must have the same date. See Recipe 14.5, “Merging Several Time Series” if your data has mismatched dates.
Once the data is captured inside a zoo
or xts
object, you can
extract the pure data via coredata
, which returns a simple vector (or
You can extract the date or time portion via index
The xts
package is very similar to zoo
. It is optimized for
speed, so is especially well suited for processing large volumes of
data. It is also clever about converting to and from other time series
One big advantage of capturing data inside a zoo
or xts
object is
that special-purpose functions become available for printing, plotting,
differencing, merging, periodic sampling, applying rolling functions,
and other useful operations. There is even a function, read.zoo
dedicated to reading time series data from ASCII files.
Remember that the xts
package can do everything that the zoo
can do, so everywhere that this chapter talks about zoo
objects you
can also use xts
If you are a serious user of time series data, we strongly recommend studying the documentation of these packages in order to learn about the ways they can improve your life. They are rich packages with many useful features.
See Also
See CRAN for documentation on
, including reference manuals, vignettes, and quick reference cards. If the
packages are already installed on your computer, view their
documentation using the vignette
The timeSeries
package is another good implementation of a time series
object. It is part of the Rmetrics project for quantitative finance.
14.2 Plotting Time Series Data
You want to plot one or more time series.
Use plot(x)
, which works for zoo
objects and xts
containing either single or multiple time series.
For a simple vector v
of time series observations, you can use either
plot(v,type = "l")
or plot.ts(v)
The generic plot
function has a version for zoo
objects and xts
objects. It can plot objects that contain a single time series or
multiple time series. In the latter case, it can plot each series in a
separate plot or together in one plot.
Suppose that ibm.infl
is a zoo
object that contains two time series.
One shows the quoted price of IBM stock from January 2000 through December 2017, and the other is that same price adjusted for inflation. If you plot the object, R will plot the two time series together in one plot, as shown in Figure 14.1:
load(file = "./data/ibm.rdata")
main <- "IBM: Historical vs. Inflation-Adjusted"
lty <- c("dotted", "solid")
# Plot the xts object
lty = lty, main = main,
legend.loc = "left"

Figure 14.1: Example xts plot
The plot
function for xts
provides a default title as simply the name of the xts
object. As we show here, it’s common to set the main
parameter to a more meaningful title.
The code specifies two line types (lty
) so that the two lines are
drawn in two different styles, making them easier to distinguish.
See Also
For working with financial data, the quantmod
package contains special
plotting functions that produce beautiful, stylized plots.
14.3 Extracting the Oldest or Newest Observations
You want to see only the oldest or newest observations of your time series.
Use head
to view the oldest observations:
Use tail
to view the newest observations:
The head
and tail
functions are generic, so they will work whether
your data is stored in a simple vector, a zoo
object, or an xts
Suppose you have a xts
object with a multiyear history of the price of
IBM stock like the one used in the prior recipe. You can’t display the whole dataset because it would scroll
off your screen. But you can view the initial observations:
ibm <- ibm.infl$ibm # grab one column for illustration
#> ibm
#> 2000-01-01 78.6
#> 2000-01-03 82.0
#> 2000-01-04 79.2
#> 2000-01-05 82.0
#> 2000-01-06 80.6
#> 2000-01-07 80.2
And you can view the final observations:
#> ibm
#> 2017-12-21 148
#> 2017-12-22 149
#> 2017-12-26 150
#> 2017-12-27 150
#> 2017-12-28 151
#> 2017-12-29 150
By default, head
and tail
show (respectively) the six oldest and six
newest observations. You can see more observations by providing a second
argument—for example, tail(ibm, 20)
The xts
package also includes first
and last
functions, which use
calendar periods instead of number of observations. We can use first
and last
to select data by number of days, weeks, months, or even
first(ibm, "2 week")
#> ibm
#> 2000-01-01 78.6
#> 2000-01-03 82.0
#> 2000-01-04 79.2
#> 2000-01-05 82.0
#> 2000-01-06 80.6
#> 2000-01-07 80.2
At first glance this output might be confusing. We asked for "2 week"
and xts
returned six days. That might seem off until we look at a calendar of January 2000.

Figure 14.2: January 2000 calendar
We can see from the calendar that the first week of January 2000 has only one day, Saturday the 1st. Then the second week runs from the 2nd to the 8th. Our data has no value for the 8th, so when we ask first
for the first "2 week"
it returns all the values from the first two calendar weeks. In our example dataset the first two calendar weeks contain only six values.
Similarly, we can ask last
to give us the last month’s worth of data:
last(ibm, "month")
#> ibm
#> 2017-12-01 152
#> 2017-12-04 153
#> 2017-12-05 152
#> 2017-12-06 151
#> 2017-12-07 150
#> 2017-12-08 152
#> 2017-12-11 152
#> 2017-12-12 154
#> 2017-12-13 151
#> 2017-12-14 151
#> 2017-12-15 149
#> 2017-12-18 150
#> 2017-12-19 150
#> 2017-12-20 150
#> 2017-12-21 148
#> 2017-12-22 149
#> 2017-12-26 150
#> 2017-12-27 150
#> 2017-12-28 151
#> 2017-12-29 150
If we had been using zoo
objects here, we would need to have converted them to xts
objects before passing the objects to first
or last
, as those are xts
See Also
See help(first.xts)
and help(last.xts)
for details on the first
and last
functions, respectively.
also has functions calledfirst
. If your workflow involves loading bothxts
packages, make sure to be explicit about which function you are calling by using the*package*::*function*
notation (for example,xts::first
14.4 Subsetting a Time Series
You want to select one or more elements from a time series.
You can index a zoo
or xts
object by position. Use one or two
subscripts, depending upon whether the object contains one time series
or multiple time series:
Selects the ith observation from a single time series
Selects the ith observation of the jth time series of multiple time series
You can index the time series by date. Use the same type of
object as the index of your time series. This example assumes that the
index contains Date
You can index it by a sequence of dates:
The window
function can select a range by start and end date:
Recall our xts
object that is a sample of inflation-adjusted IBM stock prices from the previous recipe:
#> ibm
#> 2000-01-01 78.6
#> 2000-01-03 82.0
#> 2000-01-04 79.2
#> 2000-01-05 82.0
#> 2000-01-06 80.6
#> 2000-01-07 80.2
We can select an observation by position, just like selecting elements from a vector (see Recipe 2.9, “Selecting Vector Elements”):
We can also select multiple observations by position:
Sometimes it’s more useful to select by date. Simpy use the date itself as the index.
Our ibm
data is an xts
object, so we can use date-like subsetting, too. (The zoo
object does not offer this flexibility.)
We can also select by a vector of Date
dates <- seq(as.Date("2010-01-04"), as.Date("2010-01-08"), by = 2)
#> ibm
#> 2010-01-04 104
#> 2010-01-06 102
#> 2010-01-08 103
The window
function is easier for selecting a range of consecutive
window(ibm, start = as.Date("2010-01-05"), end = as.Date("2010-01-07"))
#> ibm
#> 2010-01-05 103
#> 2010-01-06 102
#> 2010-01-07 102
We can select a year/month combination using yyyymm
Select year ranges using /
like so:
Or use /
to select ranges including months:
See Also
The xts
package provides many other clever ways to index a time
series. See the package documentation.
14.5 Merging Several Time Series
You have two or more time series. You want to merge them into a single time series object.
Use a zoo
or xts
object to represent the time series, then use the merge
function to combine them:
Merging two time series is an incredible headache when the two series have differing timestamps. Consider these two time series: the daily price of IBM stock from 1999 through 2017, and the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the same period:
load(file = "./data/ibm.rdata")
#> ibm
#> 1999-01-04 64.2
#> 1999-01-05 66.5
#> 1999-01-06 66.2
#> 1999-01-07 66.7
#> 1999-01-08 65.8
#> 1999-01-11 66.4
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 0.938
#> 1999-02-01 0.938
#> 1999-03-01 0.938
#> 1999-04-01 0.945
#> 1999-05-01 0.945
#> 1999-06-01 0.945
Obviously, the two time series have different timestamps because one is daily data and the other is monthly data. Even worse, the downloaded CPI data is timestamped for the first day of every month, even when that day is a holiday or weekend (e.g., New Year’s Day).
Thank goodness for the merge
function, which handles the messy details
of reconciling the different dates:
head(merge(ibm, cpi))
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-01 NA 0.938
#> 1999-01-04 64.2 NA
#> 1999-01-05 66.5 NA
#> 1999-01-06 66.2 NA
#> 1999-01-07 66.7 NA
#> 1999-01-08 65.8 NA
By default, merge
finds the union of all dates: the output contains
all dates from both inputs, and missing observations are filled with NA
values. You can replace those NA
values with the most recent observation
by using the na.locf
function from the zoo
head(na.locf(merge(ibm, cpi)))
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-01 NA 0.938
#> 1999-01-04 64.2 0.938
#> 1999-01-05 66.5 0.938
#> 1999-01-06 66.2 0.938
#> 1999-01-07 66.7 0.938
#> 1999-01-08 65.8 0.938
(Here locf
stands for “last observation carried forward.”) Observe
that the NA
s were replaced. However, na.locf
left an NA in the first
observation (1999-01-01) because there was no IBM stock price on that
You can get the intersection of all dates by setting all = FALSE
head(merge(ibm, cpi, all = FALSE))
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-02-01 63.1 0.938
#> 1999-03-01 59.2 0.938
#> 1999-04-01 62.3 0.945
#> 1999-06-01 79.0 0.945
#> 1999-07-01 92.4 0.949
#> 1999-09-01 89.8 0.956
Now the output is limited to observations that are common to both files.
Notice, however, that the intersection begins on February 1, not January 1. The reason is that January 1 is a holiday, so there is no IBM stock price for that date and hence no intersection with the CPI data. To fix this, see Recipe 14.6, “Filling or Padding a Time Series”.
14.6 Filling or Padding a Time Series
Your time series data is missing observations. You want to fill or pad the data with the missing dates/times.
Create a zero-width (dataless) zoo
or xts
object with the missing
dates/times. Then merge your data with the zero-width object, taking the
union of all dates:
The zoo
package includes a handy feature in the constructor for zoo
objects: you can omit the data and build a zero-width object. The object
contains no data, just dates. We can use these “Frankenstein” objects to
perform such operations as filling and padding on other time series
Suppose you download monthly CPI data used in the last recipe. The data is timestamped with the first day of each month:
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 0.938
#> 1999-02-01 0.938
#> 1999-03-01 0.938
#> 1999-04-01 0.945
#> 1999-05-01 0.945
#> 1999-06-01 0.945
As far as R knows, we have no observations for the other days of the months. However, we know that each CPI value applies to the subsequent days through month-end. So first we build a zero-width object with every day of the decade, but no data:
We use the min(index(cpi))
and max(index(cpi))
to get the minimum and maximum index value from our cpi
data. So our resulting empty
object is just an index of daily dates with the same range as our cpi
Then we take the union the CPI data and the zero-width object, yielding
a dataset filled with NA
filled.cpi <- merge(cpi, empty, all = TRUE)
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 0.938
#> 1999-01-02 NA
#> 1999-01-03 NA
#> 1999-01-04 NA
#> 1999-01-05 NA
#> 1999-01-06 NA
The resulting time series contains every calendar day, with NA
s where
there was no observation. That might be what you need. However, a more
common requirement is to replace each NA
with the most recent
observation as of that date. The na.locf
function from the zoo
package does exactly that:
filled.cpi <- na.locf(merge(cpi, empty, all = TRUE))
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 0.938
#> 1999-01-02 0.938
#> 1999-01-03 0.938
#> 1999-01-04 0.938
#> 1999-01-05 0.938
#> 1999-01-06 0.938
January’s value of 1
is carried forward until February 1, at which
time it is replaced by the February value. Now every day has the
latest CPI value as of that date. Note that in this dataset, the CPI is based on January 1, 1999 = 100% and all CPI values are relative to the value on that date.
#> cpi
#> 2017-11-26 1.41
#> 2017-11-27 1.41
#> 2017-11-28 1.41
#> 2017-11-29 1.41
#> 2017-11-30 1.41
#> 2017-12-01 1.41
We can use this recipe to fix the problem mentioned in Recipe 14.5, “Merging Several Time Series”. There, the daily price of
IBM stock and the monthly CPI data had no intersection on certain days.
We can fix that using several different methods. One way is to pad the
IBM data to include the CPI dates and then take the intersection (recall
that index(cpi)
returns all the dates in the CPI time series):
filled.ibm <- na.locf(merge(ibm, zoo(, index(cpi))))
head(merge(filled.ibm, cpi, all = FALSE))
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-01 NA 0.938
#> 1999-02-01 63.1 0.938
#> 1999-03-01 59.2 0.938
#> 1999-04-01 62.3 0.945
#> 1999-05-01 73.6 0.945
#> 1999-06-01 79.0 0.945
That gives monthly observations. Another way is to fill out the CPI data (as described previously) and then take the intersection with the IBM data. That gives daily observations, as follows:
filled_data <- merge(ibm, filled.cpi, all = FALSE)
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-04 64.2 0.938
#> 1999-01-05 66.5 0.938
#> 1999-01-06 66.2 0.938
#> 1999-01-07 66.7 0.938
#> 1999-01-08 65.8 0.938
#> 1999-01-11 66.4 0.938
Another common method for filling missing values uses the cubic spline technique,
which interpolates smooth intermediate values from the known data.
We can use the zoo
function na.spline
to fill our missing values using a cubic spline.
combined_data <- merge(ibm, cpi, all = TRUE)
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-01 NA 0.938
#> 1999-01-04 64.2 NA
#> 1999-01-05 66.5 NA
#> 1999-01-06 66.2 NA
#> 1999-01-07 66.7 NA
#> 1999-01-08 65.8 NA
combined_spline <- na.spline(combined_data)
#> ibm cpi
#> 1999-01-01 4.59 0.938
#> 1999-01-04 64.19 0.938
#> 1999-01-05 66.52 0.938
#> 1999-01-06 66.21 0.938
#> 1999-01-07 66.71 0.938
#> 1999-01-08 65.79 0.938
Notice that both the missing values for cpi
and ibm
were filled. However, the value filled in for January 1, 1999 for the ibm
column seems out of line with the January 4th observation. This illustrates one of the challenges with cubic splines: they can become quite unstable if the value that is being interpolated is at the very beginning or the very end of a series. To get around this instability, we could get some data points from before January 1st, 1999, then interpolate using na.spline
, or we could simply choose a different interpolation method.
14.7 Lagging a Time Series
You want to shift a time series in time, either forward or backward.
Use the lag
function. The second argument, k
, is the number of periods
to shift the data:
Use positive k
to shift the data forward in time (tomorrow’s data
becomes today’s data). Use a negative k
to shift the data backward in
time (yesterday’s data becomes today’s data).
Recall the zoo
object containing five days of IBM stock prices from Recipe 14.1, “Representing Time Series Data”:
To shift the data forward one day, we use k = +1
lag(ibm.daily, k = +1, na.pad = TRUE)
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> NA 132 131 130 130
We also set na.pad = TRUE
to fill the trailing dates with NA
. Otherwise,
they would simply be dropped, resulting in a shortened time series.
To shift the data backward one day, we use k = -1
. Again we use
na.pad = TRUE
to pad the beginning with NA
lag(ibm.daily, k = -1, na.pad = TRUE)
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> NA 132 131 130 130
If the sign convention for k
seems odd to you, you are not alone.
The function is called
, but a positivek
actually generates leading data, not lagging data. Use a negativek
to get lagging data. Yes, this is bizarre. Perhaps the function should have been calledlead
The other thing to be careful with when using lag
is that the dplyr
package contains a function named lag
as well. The arguments for dplyr::lag
are not exactly the same as the Base R lag
function. In particular, dplyr
uses n
instead of k
dplyr::lag(ibm.daily, n = 1)
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> NA 132 131 130 130
If you want to load
, you should use the namespace to be explicit about whichlag
function you are using. The Base R function isstats::lag
, while the dplyr function is, naturally,dplyr::lag
14.8 Computing Successive Differences
Given a time series, x, you want to compute the difference between successive observations: (x2 – x1), (x3 – x2), (x4 – x3), ….
The diff
function is generic, so it works on simple vectors, xts
objects, and
objects. The beauty of differencing a zoo
or xts
object is that the
result is the same type object you started with and the differences have the correct
dates. Here we compute the differences for successive prices of IBM
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> 132 131 130 130 131
#> 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> -1.60 -0.85 -0.45 1.30
The difference labeled 2010-01-05 is the change from the previous day (2010-01-04), which is usually what you want. The differenced series is shorter than the original series by one element because R can’t compute the change as of 2010-01-04, of course.
By default, diff
computes successive differences. You can compute
differences that are more widely spaced by using its lag
Suppose you have monthly CPI data and want to compute the change from
the previous 12 months, giving the year-over-year change. Specify a lag
of 12
head(cpi, 24)
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 0.938
#> 1999-02-01 0.938
#> 1999-03-01 0.938
#> 1999-04-01 0.945
#> 1999-05-01 0.945
#> 1999-06-01 0.945
#> 1999-07-01 0.949
#> 1999-08-01 0.952
#> 1999-09-01 0.956
#> 1999-10-01 0.957
#> 1999-11-01 0.959
#> 1999-12-01 0.961
#> 2000-01-01 0.964
#> 2000-02-01 0.968
#> 2000-03-01 0.974
#> 2000-04-01 0.973
#> 2000-05-01 0.975
#> 2000-06-01 0.981
#> 2000-07-01 0.983
#> 2000-08-01 0.983
#> 2000-09-01 0.989
#> 2000-10-01 0.990
#> 2000-11-01 0.992
#> 2000-12-01 0.994
head(diff(cpi, lag = 12), 24) # Compute year-over-year change
#> cpi
#> 1999-01-01 NA
#> 1999-02-01 NA
#> 1999-03-01 NA
#> 1999-04-01 NA
#> 1999-05-01 NA
#> 1999-06-01 NA
#> 1999-07-01 NA
#> 1999-08-01 NA
#> 1999-09-01 NA
#> 1999-10-01 NA
#> 1999-11-01 NA
#> 1999-12-01 NA
#> 2000-01-01 0.0262
#> 2000-02-01 0.0302
#> 2000-03-01 0.0353
#> 2000-04-01 0.0285
#> 2000-05-01 0.0296
#> 2000-06-01 0.0353
#> 2000-07-01 0.0342
#> 2000-08-01 0.0319
#> 2000-09-01 0.0330
#> 2000-10-01 0.0330
#> 2000-11-01 0.0330
#> 2000-12-01 0.0330
14.9 Performing Calculations on Time Series
You want to use arithmetic and common functions on time series data.
No problem. R is pretty clever about operations on zoo
and xts
objects. You
can use arithmetic operators (+
, -
, *
, /
, etc.) as well as
common functions (sqrt
, log
, etc.) and usually get what you
When you perform arithmetic on zoo
or xts
objects, R aligns the objects
according to date so that the results make sense. Suppose we want to
compute the percentage change in IBM stock. We need to divide the daily
change by the price, but those two time series are not naturally
aligned—they have different start times and different lengths. Here’s an illustration with a zoo
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> 132 131 130 130 131
#> 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> -1.60 -0.85 -0.45 1.30
Fortunately, when we divide one series by the other, R aligns the series
for us and returns a zoo
diff(ibm.daily) / ibm.daily
#> 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> -0.01223 -0.00654 -0.00347 0.00994
We can scale the result by 100 to compute the percentage change, and the
result is another zoo
100 * (diff(ibm.daily) / ibm.daily)
#> 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> -1.223 -0.654 -0.347 0.994
Functions work just as well. If we compute the logarithm or square root
of a zoo
object, the result is a zoo
object with the timestamps
#> 2010-01-04 2010-01-05 2010-01-06 2010-01-07 2010-01-08
#> 4.89 4.87 4.87 4.86 4.87
In investment management, computing the difference of logarithms of prices is quite common. That’s a piece of cake in R:
See Also
See Recipe 14.8, “Computing Successive Differences”, for the special case of computing the difference between successive values.
14.10 Computing a Moving Average
You want to compute the moving average of a time series.
Use the rollmean
function of the zoo
package to calculate the
k-period moving average:
Here ts
is the time series data, captured in a zoo
object, and k
the number of periods.
For most financial applications, you want rollmean
to calculate the
mean using only historical data; that is, for each day, use only the
data available that day. To do that, specify align = right
. Otherwise,
will “cheat” and use future data that was actually
unavailable at the time:
Traders are fond of moving averages for smoothing out fluctuations in
prices. The formal name is the rolling mean. You could calculate the
rolling mean as described in Recipe 14.12, “Applying a Rolling Function”, by combining the
function and the mean
function, but rollmean
is much
Beside speed, the beauty of rollmean
is that it returns the same type of time series object it’s called on (i.e., xts
or zoo
). For each element in the object, its date is the “as of” date for
a calculated mean. Because the result is a time series object, you can easily merge the
original data and the moving average and then plot them together as in Figure 14.3:
ibm_year <- ibm["2016"]
ma_ibm <- rollmean(ibm_year, 7, align = "right")
ma_ibm <- merge(ma_ibm, ibm_year)

Figure 14.3: Rolling average plot
The output is normally missing a few initial data points, since
needs a full k
observations to compute the mean.
Consequently, the output is shorter than the input. If that’s a problem,
specify na.pad = TRUE
; then rollmean
will pad the initial output with
See Also
See Recipe 14.12, “Applying a Rolling Function”, for more about the
The moving average described here is a simple moving average. The
, and fTrading
packages contain functions for
computing and plotting many kinds of moving averages, including simple
14.11 Applying a Function by Calendar Period
Given a time series, you want to group the contents by a calendar period (e.g., week, month, or year) and then apply a function to each group.
The xts
package includes functions for processing a time series by
day, week, month, quarter, or year:
apply.daily(ts, f)
apply.weekly(ts, f)
apply.monthly(ts, f)
apply.quarterly(ts, f)
apply.yearly(ts, f)
Here ts
is an xts
time series, and f
is the function to apply to each
day, week, month, quarter, or year.
If your time series is a zoo
object, convert to an xts
object first
so you can access these functions; for example:
It is common to process time series data according to calendar period. But figuring calendar periods is tedious at best and bizarre at worst. Let these functions do the heavy lifting.
Suppose we have a five-year history of IBM stock prices stored in an
ibm_5 <- ibm["2012/2017"]
#> ibm
#> 2012-01-03 152
#> 2012-01-04 151
#> 2012-01-05 150
#> 2012-01-06 149
#> 2012-01-09 148
#> 2012-01-10 148
We can calculate the average price by month if we use apply.monthly
and mean
ibm_mm <- apply.monthly(ibm_5, mean)
#> ibm
#> 2012-01-31 151
#> 2012-02-29 158
#> 2012-03-30 166
#> 2012-04-30 167
#> 2012-05-31 164
#> 2012-06-29 159
Notice that the IBM data is in an xts
object from the start. Had the data been in a zoo
object, we would have needed to convert it to xts
using as.xts
A more interesting application is calculating volatility by calendar month, where volatility is measured as the standard deviation of daily log-returns. Daily log-returns are calculated this way:
We calculate their standard deviation, month by month, like this:
We can scale the daily number to estimate annualized volatility, as shown in Figure 14.4:
ibm_vol <- sqrt(251) * apply.monthly(as.xts(diff(log(ibm_5))), sd)
main = "IBM: Monthly Volatility"

Figure 14.4: IBM volatility plot
14.12 Applying a Rolling Function
You want to apply a function to a time series in a rolling manner: calculate the function at a data point using some window of time around that point, move to the next data point, calculate the function around that point, move to the next data point, and so forth.
Use the rollapply
function in the zoo
package. The width
defines how many data points from the time series (ts
) should be
processed by the function (f
) at each point:
For many applications, you will likely set align = "right"
to avoid
computing f
with historical data that was unavailable at the time:
The rollapply
function extracts a “window” of data from your time
series, calls your function with that data, saves the result, and moves
to the next window—and repeats this pattern for the entire input. As an
illustration, consider calling rollapply
with width = 21
will repeatedly call the function, f
, with a sliding
window of data, like this:
Observe that the function should expect one argument, which is a vector
of values. rollapply
will save the returned values before packaging
them into a zoo
object along with a timestamp for every value. The
choice of timestamp depends on the align
parameter given to
The timestamp is taken from the rightmost value.
The timestamp is taken from the leftmost value.
align="center" (default)
The timestamp is taken from the middle value.
By default, rollapply
will recalculate the function at successive data
points. You may instead want to calculate the function at every nth
data point. Use the by = n
parameter to have rollapply
move ahead n
points after each function call. When we calculate the rolling standard
deviation of a time series, for example, we usually want each window of
data to be separate, not overlapping, so we set the by
value equal
to the window size:
ibm_sds <- rollapply(ibm_5, width = 30, FUN = sd, by = 30, align = "right")
ibm_sds <- na.omit(ibm_sds)
The rollapply
function will, by default, return an object with as many observations as your input data with the missing values filled with NA
. In the preceding example we use na.omit
to drop the NA
values so that our resulting object has records only for the dates for which we have values.
14.13 Plotting the Autocorrelation Function
You want to plot the autocorrelation function (ACF) of your time series.
The autocorrelation function is an important tool for revealing the interrelationships within a time series. It is a collection of correlations, for k = 1, 2, 3, …, where is the correlation between all pairs of data points that are exactly k steps apart.
Visualizing the autocorrelations is much more useful than listing them,
so the acf
function plots them for each value of k.
The following example shows the
autocorrelation functions for two time series, one with autocorrelations
and one without. The dashed line delimits the significant and
insignificant correlations: values above the line are significant.
(The height of the dashed line in Figures 14.5 and 14.6 is determined by the amount of data.)

Figure 14.5: Autocorrelations at each lag: ts1

Figure 14.6: Autocorrelations at each lag: ts2
The presence of autocorrelations is one indication that an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model could model the time series. From the ACF, you can count the number of significant autocorrelations, which is a useful estimate of the number of moving average (MA) coefficients in the model. Figure 14.5 shows seven significant autocorrelations, for example, so we estimate that its ARIMA model will require seven MA coefficients (MA(7)). That estimate is just a starting point, however, and must be verified by fitting and diagnosing the model.
14.14 Testing a Time Series for Autocorrelation
You want to test your time series for the presence of autocorrelations.
Use the Box.test
function, which implements the Box–Pierce test for
The output includes a p-value. Conventionally, a p-value of less than 0.05 indicates that the data contains significant autocorrelations, whereas a p-value exceeding 0.05 provides no such evidence.
Graphing the autocorrelation function is useful for digging into your data. Sometimes, however, we just need to know whether or not the data is autocorrelated. A statistical test such as the Box–Pierce test can provide an answer.
We can apply the Box–Pierce test to the data whose autocorrelation function we plotted in Recipe 14.13, “Plotting the Autocorrelation Function”. The test shows p-values for the two time series that are nearly 0 and 0.79, respectively:
#> Box-Pierce test
#> data: ts1
#> X-squared = 108, df = 1, p-value <2e-16
#> Box-Pierce test
#> data: ts2
#> X-squared = 0.07, df = 1, p-value = 0.8
The p-value near 0 indicates that the first time series has significant autocorrelations. (We don’t know which autocorrelations are significant; we just know they exist.) The p-value of 0.8 indicates that the test did not detect autocorrelations in the second time series.
The Box.test
function can also perform the Ljung–Box test, which is
better for small samples. That test calculates a p-value whose
interpretation is the same as that for the Box–Pierce p-value:
See Also
See Recipe 14.13, “Plotting the Autocorrelation Function”, to plot the autocorrelation function, a visual check of the autocorrelation.
14.15 Plotting the Partial Autocorrelation Function
You want to plot the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) for your time series.
The partial autocorrelation function is another tool for revealing the interrelationships in a time series. However, its interpretation is much less intuitive than that of the autocorrelation function. We’ll leave the mathematical definition of partial correlation to a textbook on statistics. Here, we’ll just say that the partial correlation between two random variables, X and Y, is the correlation that remains after accounting for the correlation shown by X and Y, with all other variables. In the case of time series, the partial autocorrelation at lag k is the correlation between all data points that are exactly k steps apart—after accounting for their correlation with the data between those k steps.
The practical value of a PACF is that it helps you to identify the number of autoregression (AR) coefficients in an ARIMA model. The following example shows the PACF for the two time series used in Recipe 14.13, “Plotting the Autocorrelation Function”. One of these series has partial autocorrelations and one does not. Lag values whose lines cross above the dotted line are statistically significant. In the first time series (Figure 14.7) there are two such values, at k = 1 and k = 2, so our initial ARIMA model will have two AR coefficients (AR(2)). As with autocorrelation, however, that is just an initial estimate and must verified by fitting and diagnosing the model. The second time series (Figure 14.8) shows no such autocorrelation pattern.

Figure 14.7: Autocorrelations at each lag: ts1

Figure 14.8: Autocorrelations at each lag: ts2
See Also
See Recipe 14.13, “Plotting the Autocorrelation Function”.
14.16 Finding Lagged Correlations Between Two Time Series
You have two time series, and you are wondering if there is a lagged correlation between them.
Use the Ccf
function from the package forecast
to plot the cross-correlation function, which
will reveal lagged correlations:
The cross-correlation function helps you discover lagged correlations between two time series. A lagged correlation occurs when today’s value in one time series is correlated with a future or past value in the other time series.
Consider the relationship between commodity prices and bond prices. Some analysts believe those prices are connected because changes in commodity prices are a barometer of inflation, one of the key factors in bond pricing. Can we discover a correlation between them?
Figure 14.9 shows a cross-correlation function generated from daily changes in bond prices and a commodity price index:5
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
#> method from
#> as.zoo.data.frame zoo
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'forecast':
#> method from
#> fitted.fracdiff fracdiff
#> residuals.fracdiff fracdiff
load(file = "./data/bnd_cmty.Rdata")
b <- coredata(bonds)[, 1]
c <- coredata(cmdtys)[, 1]
Ccf(b, c, main = "Bonds vs. Commodities")

Figure 14.9: Cross-correlation function
Note that since the objects we start with, bonds
and cmdtys
, are xts
objects, we extract from each the vector of data using coredata()[1]
. This is because the Ccf
function expects inputs to be simple vectors.
Every vertical line shows the correlation between the two time series at some lag, as indicated along the x-axis. If a correlation extends above or below the dotted lines, it is statistically significant.
Notice that the correlation at lag 0 is –0.24, which is the simple correlation between the variables:
Much more interesting are the correlations at lags 1, 5, and 8, which are statistically significant. Evidently there is some “ripple effect” in the day-to-day prices of bonds and commodities because changes today are correlated with changes tomorrow. Discovering this sort of relationship is useful to short-term forecasters such as market analysts and bond traders.
14.17 Detrending a Time Series
Your time series data contains a trend that you want to remove.
Use linear regression to identify the trend component, and then subtract the
trend component from the original time series. These two lines show how
to detrend the zoo
object ts
and put the result in detr
Some time series data contains trends, which means that it gradually
slopes upward or downward over time. Suppose your time series object (a zoo
object in this case), yield
, contains a trend as shown in Figure 14.10:

Figure 14.10: Time series with trend
We can remove the trend component in two steps. First, identify the
overall trend by using the linear model function, lm
. The model should
use the time series index for the x variable and the time series data
for the y variable.
Second, remove the linear trend from the original data by subtracting
the straight line found by lm
. This is easy because we have access to
the linear model’s residuals, which are defined by the difference
between the original data and the fitted line:
where is the ith residual, and where and are the
model’s slope and intercept, respectively. We can extract the residuals
from the linear model by using the resid
function and then embed the
residuals inside a zoo
Notice that we use the same time index as the original data. When we
plot detr
it is clearly trendless, as evident in Figure 14.11.

Figure 14.11: Residual plot
This data is the state average corn yield for Illinois in bushels per acre (bu/ac). So detr
is the difference between actual yield and the trend. Sometimes when detrending you may want to determine the percent deviation from the trend. In that case we can divide by the initial measure:
# y <- autoplot(yield) +
# labs(x='Year', y='Yield (bu/ac)', title='IL Corn Yield')
d <- autoplot(detr, geom = "point") +
x = "Year", y = "Yield Dev (bu/ac)",
title = "IL Corn Yield Deviation from Trend (bu/ac)"
dp <- autoplot(detr / yield, geom = "point") +
x = "Year", y = "Yield Dev (%)",
title = "IL Corn Yield Deviation from Trend (%)"
d / dp

Figure 14.12: Detrended plots
The top plot in Figure 14.12 shows the yield deviation from the trend in bu/ac (the original units), while the lower plot shows the percent deviation from the trend.
14.18 Fitting an ARIMA Model
You want to fit an ARIMA model to your time series data.
The auto.arima
function in the forecast
package can select the
correct model order and fit the model to your data:
If you already know the model order, (p, d, q), then the arima
function can fit the model directly:
Creating an ARIMA model involves three steps:
Identify the model order.
Fit the model to the data, giving the coefficients.
Apply diagnostic measures to validate the model.
The model order is usually denoted by three integers, (p, d, q), where p is the number of autoregressive coefficients, d is the degree of differencing, and q is the number of moving average coefficients.
When most of us build an ARIMA model, we are usually clueless about the appropriate
order. Rather than tediously searching for the best combination of p,
d, and q, we typically use auto.arima
, which does the searching for us:
library(fpp2) # for example data
#> Series: ausbeer
#> ARIMA(1,1,2)(0,1,1)[4]
#> Coefficients:
#> ar1 ma1 ma2 sma1
#> 0.050 -1.009 0.375 -0.743
#> s.e. 0.196 0.183 0.153 0.050
#> sigma^2 estimated as 241: log likelihood=-886
#> AIC=1783 AICc=1783 BIC=1800
In this case, auto.arima
decided the best order was (1, 1, 2), which
means that it differenced the data once (d = 1) before selecting a
model with AR coefficients (p = 1) and two MA coefficients (q =
2). In addition, the auto.arima
function determined that our data has seasonality and included the seasonal terms P = 0, D = 1, Q = 1 and a period of m = 4. The seasonality terms are similar to the nonseasonal ARIMA terms, but relate to the seasonality component of the model. The m term tells us the periodicity of the seasonality, which in this case is quarterly. We can see this easier if we plot the ausbeer
data as in Figure 14.13:

Figure 14.13: Australian beer consumption
By default, auto.arima
limits p and q to the range 0 ≤ p ≤ 5 and
0 ≤ q ≤ 5. If you are confident that your model needs fewer than five
coefficients, use the max.p
and max.q
parameters to limit the search
further; this makes it faster. Likewise, if you believe that your model
needs more coefficients, use max.p
and max.q
to expand the search
If you want to turn off the seasonality component of auto.arima
, you can set seasonal = FALSE
auto.arima(ausbeer, seasonal = FALSE)
#> Series: ausbeer
#> ARIMA(3,2,2)
#> Coefficients:
#> ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2
#> -0.957 -0.987 -0.925 -1.043 0.142
#> s.e. 0.026 0.018 0.024 0.062 0.062
#> sigma^2 estimated as 327: log likelihood=-935
#> AIC=1882 AICc=1882 BIC=1902
But notice that since the model fits a nonseasonal model, the coefficients are different than in the seasonal model.
If you already know the order of your ARIMA model, the arima
can quickly fit the model to your data:
arima(ausbeer, order = c(3, 2, 2))
#> Call:
#> arima(x = ausbeer, order = c(3, 2, 2))
#> Coefficients:
#> ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2
#> -0.957 -0.987 -0.925 -1.043 0.142
#> s.e. 0.026 0.018 0.024 0.062 0.062
#> sigma^2 estimated as 319: log likelihood = -935, aic = 1882
The output looks identical to auto.arima
with the seasonal
parameter set to FALSE
. What you can’t see here is that arima
executes much more quickly.
The output from auto.arima
and arima
includes the fitted
coefficients and the standard error (s.e.
) for each coefficient:
ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 ma2
-0.9569 -0.9872 -0.9247 -1.0425 0.1416
s.e. 0.0257 0.0184 0.0242 0.0619 0.0623
You can find the coefficients’ confidence intervals by capturing the
ARIMA model in an object and then using the confint
m <- arima(x = ausbeer, order = c(3, 2, 2))
#> 2.5 % 97.5 %
#> ar1 -1.0072 -0.907
#> ar2 -1.0232 -0.951
#> ar3 -0.9721 -0.877
#> ma1 -1.1639 -0.921
#> ma2 0.0195 0.264
This output illustrates a major headache of ARIMA modeling: not all the coefficients are necessarily significant. If one of the intervals contains zero, the true coefficient might be zero itself, in which case the term is unnecessary.
If you discover that your model contains insignificant coefficients, use Recipe 14.19, “Removing Insignificant ARIMA Coefficients”, to remove them.
The auto.arima
and arima
functions contain useful features for
fitting the best model. For example, you can force them to include or
exclude a trend component. See the help pages for details.
A final caveat: the danger of auto.arima
is that it makes ARIMA
modeling look simple. ARIMA modeling is not simple. It is more art
than science, and the automatically generated model is just a starting
point. We urge you to review a good book about ARIMA modeling
before settling on a final model.
See Also
See Recipe 14.20, “Running Diagnostics on an ARIMA Model”, for performing diagnostic tests on the ARIMA model.
As a textbook on time series forecasting, we highly recommend Forecasting: Principles and Practice by Rob J. Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos which is freely available online.
14.19 Removing Insignificant ARIMA Coefficients
One or more of the coefficients in your ARIMA model are statistically insignificant. You want to remove them.
The arima
function includes the parameter fixed
, which is a vector.
The vector should contain one element for every coefficient in the
model, including a term for the drift (if any). Each element is either
or 0
. Use NA
for the coefficients to be kept and use 0
for the
coefficients to be removed. This example shows an ARIMA(2, 1, 2) model
with the first AR coefficient and the first MA coefficient forced to be
The fpp2
package contains a dataset called euretail
, which is a quarterly retail index for the Euro area. Let’s run auto.arima
on the data and look at the 98% confidence intervals:
m <- auto.arima(euretail)
#> Series: euretail
#> ARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,1)[4]
#> Coefficients:
#> ma1 ma2 ma3 sma1
#> 0.263 0.369 0.420 -0.664
#> s.e. 0.124 0.126 0.129 0.155
#> sigma^2 estimated as 0.156: log likelihood=-28.6
#> AIC=67.3 AICc=68.4 BIC=77.7
confint(m, level = .98)
#> 1 % 99 %
#> ma1 -0.0246 0.551
#> ma2 0.0774 0.661
#> ma3 0.1190 0.721
#> sma1 -1.0231 -0.304
In this example, we can see that the 98% confidence interval for the ma1
parameter contains 0 and we can reasonably conclude that this parameter is insignificant at this level of confidence. We can set this parameter to 0
using the fixed
m <- arima(euretail, order = c(0, 1, 3), seasonal = c(0, 1, 1), fixed = c(0, NA, NA, NA))
#> Call:
#> arima(x = euretail, order = c(0, 1, 3), seasonal = c(0, 1, 1), fixed = c(0,
#> NA, NA, NA))
#> Coefficients:
#> ma1 ma2 ma3 sma1
#> 0 0.404 0.293 -0.700
#> s.e. 0 0.129 0.107 0.135
#> sigma^2 estimated as 0.156: log likelihood = -30.8, aic = 69.5
Observe that the ma1
coefficient is now 0
. The
remaining coefficients (ma2
, ma3
, sma1
) are still significant, as shown
by their confidence intervals, so we have a reasonable model:
14.20 Running Diagnostics on an ARIMA Model
You have built an ARIMA model using the forecast
package, and you want to run diagnostic tests to
validate the model.
Use the checkresiduals
function. This example fits the ARIMA model using auto.arima
, puts the results in m
, and then runs diagnostics on the model:
The result of checkresiduals
is a set of three graphs, as shown in Figure 14.14. A good model should
produce results like these:
#> Ljung-Box test
#> data: Residuals from ARIMA(1,1,2)(0,1,1)[4]
#> Q* = 5, df = 4, p-value = 0.3
#> Model df: 4. Total lags used: 8

Figure 14.14: Residuals plots: Good model
Here’s what’s good about the graphs:
The standardized residuals don’t show clusters of volatility.
The autocorrelation function (ACF) shows no significant autocorrelation between the residuals.
The residuals look bell-shaped, suggesting they are reasonably symmetrical.
The p-value in the Ljung–Box test is large, indicating that the residuals are patternless—meaning all the information has been extracted by the model and only noise is left behind.
For contrast, Figure 14.15 shows diagnostic charts with problems:
#> Ljung-Box test
#> data: Residuals from ARIMA(1,1,1)(0,0,1)[4]
#> Q* = 22, df = 5, p-value = 5e-04
#> Model df: 3. Total lags used: 8

Figure 14.15: Residuals plots: Problem model
The ACF shows significant autocorrelations between residuals.
The p-values for the Ljung–Box statistics are small, indicating there is some pattern in the residuals. There is still information to be extracted from the data.
The residuals appear asymmetrical.
These are basic diagnostics, but they are a good start. Find a good book on ARIMA modeling and perform the recommended diagnostic tests before concluding that your model is sound. Additional checks of the residuals could include:
- Tests for normality
- Quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plot
- Scatter plot against the fitted values
14.21 Making Forecasts from an ARIMA Model
You have an ARIMA model for your time series that you built with the forecast
package. You want to forecast the
next few observations in the series.
Save the model in an object, and then apply the forecast
function to the
object. This example saves the model from Recipe 14.19, “Removing Insignificant ARIMA Coefficients”, and predicts
the next eight observations:
m <- arima(euretail, order = c(0, 1, 3), seasonal = c(0, 1, 1), fixed = c(0, NA, NA, NA))
#> Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95
#> 2012 Q1 95.1 94.6 95.6 94.3 95.9
#> 2012 Q2 95.2 94.5 95.9 94.1 96.3
#> 2012 Q3 95.2 94.2 96.3 93.7 96.8
#> 2012 Q4 95.3 93.9 96.6 93.2 97.3
#> 2013 Q1 94.5 92.8 96.1 91.9 97.0
#> 2013 Q2 94.5 92.6 96.5 91.5 97.5
#> 2013 Q3 94.5 92.3 96.7 91.1 97.9
#> 2013 Q4 94.5 92.0 97.0 90.7 98.3
The forecast
function will calculate the next few observations and their
standard errors according to the model. It returns a list with 10
elements. When we print the model, as we just did, forecast
returns the time series points it is forecasting, the forecast, and two pairs of confidence bands: high/low 80% and high/low 95%.
If we want to extract out just the forecast, we can do that by assigning the results to an object, and then pulling out the list item named mean
fc_m <- forecast(m)
#> Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
#> 2012 95.1 95.2 95.2 95.3
#> 2013 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5
The result is a Time-Series
object containing the forecasts created by the forecast
14.22 Plotting a Forecast
You have created a time series forecast with the forecast
package and you would like to plot it.
Time series models created with the forecast
package have a plotting method that uses ggplot2
to create graphs easily, as shown in Figure 14.16:

Figure 14.16: Forecast cone of uncertainty: Default
The autoplot
function makes a very reasonable figure, as shown in Figure 14.16. Since the resulting figure is a ggplot
object, we can adjust the plotting parameters the same way we would any other ggplot
object. Here we add labels and a title and change the theme, as shown in Figure 14.17:
autoplot(fc_m) +
ylab("Euro Index") +
xlab("Year/Quarter") +
ggtitle("Forecasted Retail Index") +

Figure 14.17: Forecast cone of uncertainty: Labeled
See Also
Chapter @ref(#Graphics) for more info on working with ggplot
14.23 Testing for Mean Reversion
You want to know if your time series is mean reverting (stationary).
A common test for mean reversion is the Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
test, which is implemented by the adf.test
function of the tseries
The output from adf.test
includes a p-value. Conventionally, if p
< 0.05, the time series is likely mean reverting, whereas a p
> 0.05 provides no such evidence.
When a time series is mean reverting, it tends to return to its long-run average. It may wander off, but eventually it wanders back. If a time series is not mean reverting, then it can wander away without ever returning to the mean.
Figure 14.18 appears to be wandering upward and not returning. The large p-value from the adf.test
confirms that it is not mean reverting:
#> Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
#> data: goog200
#> Dickey-Fuller = -2, Lag order = 5, p-value = 0.7
#> alternative hypothesis: stationary

Figure 14.18: Time series without mean reversion
The time series in Figure 14.19, however, is just bouncing around its average value. The small p-value (0.012) confirms that it is mean reverting:
#> Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
#> data: hsales
#> Dickey-Fuller = -4, Lag order = 6, p-value = 0.01
#> alternative hypothesis: stationary

Figure 14.19: Time series with mean reversion
The example data here comes from the fpp2
package and comprises all Time-Series
object types.
If your data were in a zoo
or xts
object, then you would need to call coredata
to extract out the raw data from the object before passing it to adf.test
xts_obj <- as.xts(sample_matrix, dateFormat = "Date")[, "Close"] # single vector of data
#> Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
#> data: coredata(xts_obj)
#> Dickey-Fuller = -3, Lag order = 5, p-value = 0.3
#> alternative hypothesis: stationary
The adf.test
function massages your data before performing the ADF
test. First it automatically detrends your data, and then it recenters the
data, giving it a mean of 0.
If either detrending or recentering is undesirable for your application,
use the adfTest
function in the fUnitRoots
package instead:
With type = "nc"
, the function neither detrends nor recenters your data.
With type = "c"
, the function recenters your data but does not detrend
Both the adf.test
and the adfTest
functions let you specify a lag
value that controls the exact statistic they calculate. These functions
provide reasonable defaults, but serious users should study the
textbook description of the ADF test to determine the appropriate lag
for their application.
See Also
The urca
and CADFtest
packages also implement tests for a unit root,
which is the test for mean reversion. Be careful when comparing the
tests from several packages. Each package can make slightly different
assumptions, which can lead to puzzling differences in the results.
14.24 Smoothing a Time Series
You have a noisy time series. You want to smooth the data to eliminate the noise.
The KernSmooth
package contains functions for smoothing. Use the
function to select an initial bandwidth parameter, and then use the
function to smooth the data:
gridsize <- length(y)
bw <- dpill(t, y, gridsize = gridsize)
lp <- locpoly(x = t, y = y, bandwidth = bw, gridsize = gridsize)
smooth <- lp$y
Here, t
is the time variable and y
is the time series.
The KernSmooth
package is a standard part of the R distribution. It
includes the locpoly
function, which constructs, around each
data point, a polynomial that is fitted to the nearby data points.
These are called local polynomials. The local polynomials are strung
together to create a smoothed version of the original data series.
The algorithm requires a bandwidth parameter to control the degree of smoothing. A small bandwidth means less smoothing, in which case the result follows the original data more closely. A large bandwidth means more smoothing, so the result contains less noise. The tricky part is choosing just the right bandwidth: not too small, not too large.
Fortunately, KernSmooth
also includes the function dpill
estimating the appropriate bandwidth, and it works quite well.
We recommend that you start with the dpill
value and then experiment with
values above and below that starting point. There is no magic formula
here. You need to decide what level of smoothing works best in your
The following is an example of smoothing. We’ll create some example data that is the sum of a simple sine wave and normally distributed “noise”:
Both dpill
and locpoly
require a grid size—in other words, the number of
points for which a local polynomial is constructed.
We often use a grid size equal to the number of data points, which yields a fine resolution.
The resulting time series is very smooth. You might use a smaller grid
size if you want a coarser resolution or if you have a very large
The locpoly
function performs the smoothing and returns a list. The
element of that list is the smoothed data:
lp <- locpoly(x = t, y = y, bandwidth = bw, gridsize = gridsize)
smooth <- lp$y
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = t, y = y)) +
geom_line(aes(x = t, y = smooth), linetype = 2)

Figure 14.20: Example time series plot
In Figure 14.20, the smoothed data is shown
as a dashed line, while the solid line is our original example data. The figure demonstrates that locpoly
did an
excellent job of extracting the original sine wave.
See Also
The ksmooth
, lowess
, and HoltWinters
functions in the base
distribution can also perform smoothing. The expsmooth
implements exponential smoothing.
Specifically: the
variable is the log-returns of the Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index Fund (VBLTX), and thecmdtys
variable is the log-returns of the Invesco DB Commodity Tracking Fund (DBC). The data was taken from the period 2007-01-01 through 2017-12-31.↩